HUGE news!!!

Yes, I know I should be working but I have HUGE news!!! My WWBFF (World Wide Best Friend Forever) Lacie, just got engaged!!! I am beyond excited!!! We call each other WWBFF's since we have both moved a ton but have stayed very close!! I am soo happy for her :) No date has been set, but I have been asked to be her bridesmaid!! I can't wait to stand up beside her just like she did for me!!!

I have not met her fabulous boy yet, but I will, when we are both home for Christmas!! I did get to see a pic of the bling and it is AH-MAZING!! :) Let the planning begin!!! With Britt Britt's little Hayle Faye on the way and now this, I am going to have all the excitement I can handle for one year!! I hope you are reading this; Amy, Emily, Raylee, Mariah...ok there are to many of my girls to list..hehe!!!


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