Jolly- Day 18

Today Jolly was hanging on Merritt's combine full of candy!! After he woke up and saw it, I put the candy in a cup on the counter and put his combine back in his playroom. When he went to play, he saw his combine was empty and came to tell me very disapprovingly "Momma ate it all!!!" He was not a happy camper!! All was forgiven when I showed him the cup!! hehe!

This is Jolly's last day to bring surprises, because tonight The Elves come!! Yea!! I just finished putting McCoy's name on his magic bucket (the boys have buckets instead of boots like we had growing up...mostly because my Momma made ours and I am not that talented!!!) Can't wait!

Here is the story of the traditions of "The Elves" that I blogged back in 2009:
It is quite possibly one of my favorite childhood memories!! LOVED having our very own Momma should have marketed it long ago, before they came out with Elf on the Shelf!! hehe :)

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