Mint to be...

I'm not sure how familiar everyone is with these cream cheese wedding mints, but every wedding we go to the Farmer gets a plate full and then goes back for more! Since he is getting pretty much no input in the wedding, I though I would allow him this one pleasure :) Usually these mints are shaped like roses or wedding bells, but that just wouldn't do for my shindig, so I found the cutest boot and hat shaped mint molds at a wedding store! And of course the colors had to be lime and pink...this picture doesn't do them justice, but they are the perfect color! My mom-in-law to be whipped up this trial batch over the weekend...I barely got the pictures taken before the Farmer devoured them :)


  1. I love these mints!!! Yours are really cute!

  2. OMG! I love cream cheese mints! So fun that these are in your theme.
