Having "Super Saturday" before Palm Sunday, was probably not my best idea! Merritt was pretty tired this morning and was not at all interested in waving a palm leaf during the church service!! Thank goodness for The Farmer! He walked along with him, then Merritt was fine and sat nice through the children's message! He came back to sit down by me and McCoy and said, "Hey where's my palm leaf?!?!" Oh you mean the leaf that I was begging you to wave? The one you refused to carry?? Uggh! This kid!! He is such a mess! I'm praying that next week goes better!! :)
Our handsome little guys!
Children's message after they waved (or didn't wave) their palm leaves!
After Sunday School he waved that palm leaf until it fell apart!! I guess better late than never :) So they took branches of palm trees and went out to meet him, crying out HOSANNA, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!
Hi! I'm Merritt and I live to make my Momma crazy!! ;)
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