I was really looking forward to doing this glow in the dark egg hunt and last night the weather was perfect! After church, we had a big Easter dinner with The Farmer's Daddy's side of the family, then decided to be super lazy until around 7:00 pm, it still wasn't quite dark enough, so we played outside and took a quick "Bota" ride until about 8:30, which was way past his bedtime...but bedtimes are so overrated!! hehe! I knew he would like the glow eggs but he totally thought it was THE BEST!! After he found all the eggs, he popped them open and loved playing with the glow sticks in the dark...better pick up a few more of them (you can get packs of them at the dollar tree) for some fun summer nights! Who knew they would be such a hit!?! I had to use my point and shoot camera since my good one was dead, so I couldn't really capture the "glowing," but you get the idea! There is also a video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/user/beefhayleymoss :)
Such a great Easter Sunday. He is Risen! The Farmer has been reading the Easter Story to Merritt at bedtime, during the sermon one of the slides must have looked like the book because he pointed and said "Jesus, Jesus!" I asked him again later who it was, when another slide came up, and he said "TeeBee" (which of course means T.V...the slides look like a huge T.V.) I guess that slide must not have looked like the book! ha! But at least he recognized him once :)
Kinda sad Easter is over, but I'm just so glad I got to do all the fun things with him that I had planned!! I really wanted his last Easter as an only child to be fun...success! Now to put away all the eggs and bunnies and start the countdown for McCoy to arrive!! :)
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