
The Farmer's parents moved out of the farm house this weekend, so now our projects begin! It's very exciting, but mostly I'm just ready for it to be done! We are getting all the rooms painted, having new flooring put in, and knocking down a wall for a more open feel. I was there today trying to finalize colors, so decided to take pics so I could stop trying to explain to fam and friends what everything looks like and what we were doing to you can just look at pics! I tried to get them in some kind of order but it some are kind of randomly placed..sorry!

This is the view as you walk in...this closet is going to become a bench/nook with hooks and basket storage! The rest of it as it goes back (which goes into the play room) will be turned into a pantry/more storage!

this is another view as you walk's the dining room, the new flooring will be tile in a rusty/stained cement color. The wall where that box is, is the one coming down! tile:

dining room, looking into kitchen...

wall that's coming down...looking into living room.

kitchen..will have same rusty colored tile..we will also have chairs at the little bar/ the right is the hallway to the bedrooms, it will be a neutral tan. First door to the right of picture is the bathroom..forgot to take a pic of that but you get the idea! :)

kitchen...back splash will be turquoise, top of the wall will be red...I think, stay tuned :)

Merritt's room...will have carpet and be light blue and the wall with the windows will navy blue! Merritt was with me this afternoon and thought it was so fun to run around the empty house...then I showed him his room and showed him that he could see the cows from the windows, he was super excited!! It was soo cute! 
living room...back wall and window wall will be turquoise

the wall with the clothes hanging is the one that will come down

our bedroom...will be yellow..i think!?!?!

Nursery...will have new carpet and be pale yellow

closets...same in our bedroom and nursery

another look at the dining room, taken from the kitchen..the wall with the window will be barn wood! The wall to the right will be turquoise and will have my new hutch on it.

this is taken from the dining room, looking at front door to left, closet (that will be nook) to right, and playroom straight ahead.


kitchen cabinets...back splash will be part of wall will be red

more kitchen, love all the cabinetry in here!

more kitchen

dining room...wall around cupboard will be neutral is on the right

one last look at the dining room...left wall will be turquoise...little wall with cupboard will be neutral tan.

Now I'm just getting super nervous that its not going to look like what I have pictured but there is no going back now!! haha!! Will be updating with pics as things get started!! This is my inspiration board on Pinterest
...basically going for western/rustic look!! STAY TUNED!!


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