Yes! I am aware he will be 6 months on Saturday, but I forgot to post about his 5th month :)
Since we had to go to the doc for his cold/ear infection I know he weighed 18.2 pounds! Not sure about height though. He was starting to sit up by himself and by 5 and a half months he was a full blown "sitter!!" He is quite the traveler having gone to Wall, SD, Deadwood, SD, Cody, WY, Yellowstone, and the Tetons! He did so great the whole trip and my family had so much fun spending time with him. We switched him over to a convertible car seat (cow print, what else!?!) around 4 and a half months because I could no longer carry him in the infant seat! He still loves the bath and going for stroller rides. He sleeps from around 9:00pm to 7:00am. He started eating solid foods and has a veggie for lunch and cereal before far he likes everything! He is just dabbling in the world of high chairs and still prefers his Bumbo to sit in while eating. He is also sitting up better in buggys while shopping, so now Mommy can put more stuff in the cart :) Not sure if I have mentioned this in previous posts but since around one month old he has been standing (with our help of course) but he much prefers standing to sitting in your lap. I guess it was reflex at first but he just never stopped and is soo strong! He has now moved into jumping in your lap...probably from too much time spent in his jumparoo, which he adores! He still takes some naps in his swing but is spending more time on his play mat these days. He loves to roll back and forth and has become very good at it! He also now prefers to sleep on his back or side..which scared me at first, but after a few sleepless night for me, I got over it ;) His favorite toys continue to be Lovey (horse with blanket attached), Wubby (longhorn with paci attached), a little piece of cowboy fabric that crinkles and has ribbons on it (we haven't named this), teething ring with rubbery beads on it, and anything he can get in his mouth and chew! He still just has two teeth (bottom front) but contrary to the drool and chewing, I don't see anymore coming in! He enjoys watching and giggling at Dasher and falling asleep everytime he gets in the car. We just love our little man more and more every day and are having so much fun watching him grow up!! :)

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