This is a little late, but we've been busy bees!! The babe is growing like a weed! He holds his head up very well and loves to stand up when you hold him! He is really strong :) He loves to laugh, smile and coo! Bath time is one of his faves and he just learned to splash! He also still likes his activity gym, swing (for naps), and his bouncy seat. He enjoys his
jumparoo, and
bumbo seat but just for short
periods of time! At his 2 month appointment he was just over 14 pounds!! Safe to say he is a BIG boy :) He is wearing mostly 6-9 or 9 month clothes. His new favorite toy is his blanket's like a stuffed animal horse with a blanket for it's body. He likes to snuggle with it and chew on it :) He is sleeping from about 9:00pm to 7:00am on most nights, which we very much
appreciate! We just adore our sweet little boy and love to watch him grow and change everyday! out all his videos on you tube :)
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