I found the cutest wold map on clearance at Target the other day!! It even coordinates perfectly with our U.S. map in the playroom!! Both the boys love maps...they always want you to show them where Mississippi is!!
Coy loves all the animals on this one!!
the learning wall! :)
We have pumpkins for days over here and I LOVE it! !:)
Bubble fight!!!
We have Mums!! My plan was to get the big red one, and have two yellow ones on the sides...but since my littlest helper was with me, we ended up with a pink one too!! He insisted that pink was my favorite color, so we had to get one!! How could I say no?!?!
My pumpkin farmers with a wagon full of hay!
My Momma suggested we put some hay under our pumpkins so they wouldn't get a soggy/discolored side! Working great!! The boys thought it was so fun to give the pumpkins a little bed!!
finally got this patch all weeded and you can see the little ones so much easier now!
Pumpkin shaped grilled cheeses and Pooh's Heffalump Halloween for supper one night last week!
Deep Sleep!!
Snuggle (or guggle, as Coy says) Time!!
They rigged up bungee cords and wagons to their tractors!! Never a dull moment!!
Yummy Crockpot Cheeseburger Soup!!! Perfect for this time of year!
Mummy Dogs for Saturday lunch!!
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