As promised, a library book sale haul!!
scored some great books!
The boys had been begging for "cupcake muffins" so I tried this recipe!
They love the pre-packaged birthday cake muffins (that they get at Honey and Whoops house),
but I never buy them, so this was a great replacement!
My future PBR stars! hehe!
McCoy and I went Antique-ing on Monday!
He was SOO great and loved the Antique store!
Has been asking to go back ever since! That's my boy!
Frostie Freezie Freeze for being such a good buddy!
Cute Antique find!
Finally some sunshine!!
Walmart has the cutest cups! Of course I put a flamingo on mine!
McCoy's b-day shirt!! Can't wait for his party!
I have wanted one of these since Pottery Barn came out with them AGES ago!
Finally caught them on sale at Hobby Lobby and snagged one up!! Love it so much!
Happy Friday Friends!!

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