How cute is this little strawberry mug from Home Goods?!?! Now where is spring??
I needed a coaster for my closet vanity and when I saw these in the Target Dollar Spot,
I grabbed them up!!
Working on McCoy's birthday shirt for his Park Ranger Party!
This is my shirt for the party, and for Yellowstone!
And just to wear whenever! hehe!
The Park Ranger Party supplies! So excited!
He was so tired he fell asleep in the hallway!!
They celebrated McCoy's birthday at school early, since they only have a few weeks left!
Of course he requested blue frosted cowboy cupcakes!
Found the wrappers and picks at Hobby Lobby!
Sweet Birthday Boy!
Silly Birthday Boy!
We had a day of nice-ish weather and The Farmer played some baseball with the boys!
So fun!
I signed Merritt up for t-ball this summer, he is very excited!
McCoy's story time!! This baby loves his books!
The library was having it's annual book sale and I scored 15 new books for $3.75 (thanks JoJo!...I didn't have any cash!!) I will have to take pics of all my fun finds! Stay tuned!

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