I have been wanting to do this for AGES!! I just decided to go for it! I got the map from Amazon (link), The Farmer got me a piece of some kind of particle board in the same size, and I Mod Podged it on!!
Before I Mod Podged, I took some wax paper and traced the state shapes, at this point you could just use these tracings to cut out your pictures...but I scanned them...
And put them in Photoshop, added the pics and had them printed!
Ready to glue it on
Time to cut out the pics
I just taped them on with a removable tape, in case I ever want to update any of the pics!
I just LOVE it yall and so do the boys, they love to see where we have been and talk about where we want to go! The Farmer and I have been to lots more states, but I decided to keep it to just places the boys have been! Hoping to put some more pictures up this summer!!

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