Last week, we made a day trip to check out the ghost town of Rodney, MS!
My Daddy wanted to go to Rodney on our first venture down the Natchez Trace, but we ran out of time! So we made another day of it to see the town and the Windsor Ruins!
Yall, I am beyond obsessed with this little forgotten town! There is hardly anything left of this once boom town, save two churches, a general store and the old post office/saloon pictured above!
Some history:,_Mississippi
This little place in the middle of nowhere was once only three votes away from being the capitol of Mississippi!!
Fires, a two mile shift of the river created by a sand bar, and several bouts with Yellow Fever left this thriving town to all but disappear!
The Baptist Church.
There was once four churches, over twenty businesses, a newspaper, and an opera house!
I wanted to go look around inside, but my mistake of wearing flip flops and the very
real possibility of snakes, left me sadly confined to the truck!
It was such a gorgeous day, I could have taken pictures for hours!
Alston's General Store, still with the old pump out front!
There is also plenty of Civil War history (which the boys are very into at the moment-only they call it the Silver War!) in this area! Above is the Presbyterian Church, built in 1832, making it one of the oldest churches in Mississippi still standing! If you look closely at the top middle window, you can see a cannon ball (not the actual one from the war, it was stolen and since replaced to keep the church from any structural damage) from the Union gun boat the USS Rattler! There were several historic signs to read, but again I was too chicken to venture very far!
After some research, I found a facebook page dedicated to the town and assessed that they are trying to get ownership of the Church which was endowed to the Daughters of The Confederacy many years ago. For whatever reason, they have not been able to keep it properly restored. A historical society has now been set up to try and preserve what is left of this once very significant town in the south!
A few miles away is the Windsor Ruins!
These ruins were once a magnificent mansion!
It was built in 1859 and burned down in 1890.
We told the boys it used to be three stories high and
Merritt kept wanting us to tell him the stories! haha!!
Not that kind of story buddy!
It was spared during the Civil War and used as a Union hospital.
Only to be burned down years later from a fire presumed to
be accidentally started by cigar ashes!!
So sad!!
my Sissy!
With our little Toot!
With our Merr-Bear!
Having so much fun adventuring on this trip!! We have a few more spots to check out,
but not sure if we will get them all done! Pauggie's District Horse Show tomorrow!!

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