The Farmer's Birthday!

Tuesday was The Farmer's birthday! I had secretly gotten him a cheesecake to celebrate, then the day before he asked for King Cake Bars!! Uggh! They are one of his faves, but I only make them once a year on Mardi Gras, because, well, because they are King Cake Bars!!! I improvised and used red, yellow, and orange sugar instead of the traditional green, yellow, and purple...then tried to put a number 33 on it!! He approved and was excited he got cheese cake too!! :)

Merritt had to go to Eye Doctor this day too! They recommended a screening/checkup for preschool, so we have that out of the way now! He did SOO great and his vision is perfect!

We also worked with Jake, because even though it was his Daddy's birthday, 
he needs all the practice he can get!!

We had yummy steak, roasted broccoli (from our neighbors garden-yum!), pasta salad, and bread!!

Happy Birthday! We Love you Farmer!!!


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