I had just been giving Coy a bath in his whale tub, on the counter in the bathroom, but tonight Merritt wanted to put him in the big tub with him! The Farmer was combining, so it was just me and the boys for supper, and since Coy eats with us now, we all had to sit at the table instead of our usual (easy!) picnics during harvest when The Farmer is gone. It was intense, to say the least!! ha!! So when Merritt asked to take a bath, I jumped at the chance to have them both confined for a bit!! :) They did great, and The Farmer came in just in time to wash them up...good thing because I still needed to clean the kitchen/dining room that was just as we had left it...a disaster!
playing with all their Halloween rubber ducks! |
"he go Coy, play wif it!!!" |
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