Black Hills Stock Show!

We had quite the weekend in Rapid City! Merritt loved the cows and every time he saw a guy in a cowboy hat, he would yell "cowboy" and point or just say "Hi Cowboy!" it was pretty cute! We got to see the Behind the Chutes Show with the rodeo clown, and explore the FFA Petting Zoo, we also did some shopping at the trade show and around town! By Saturday he was OVER IT (he barely had an hour nap on Friday and didn't go to bed until 10 on Friday night) so we got to see a little of the Simmental Show that morning, then spent most of the afternoon trying to get him to nap! Oh what a little 2 year old we have on our hands! I think I will have to hire a helper for next year with my two little cowboys! haha!

helping Daddy fit the cattle..or maybe just petting them! :)

love these two!

watching the Behind the Chute show

the rodeo clown!

fun little pigs!

hey pony!

ponies were the fave!

trying to pet the cows!

"Here's you bite donkey!"

Me and my boys!

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