Merritt's Cowboy 1st Birthday!

We are having two parties for Merritt's first birthday, we had a super cute cowboy party while we were home in MS and we will have a fun farm party on the 19th! Enjoy the pics of the cowboy party!


Cowboy Mr. Potato Head!

Merritt's first year!

His cake was SOOO yummy!!

We made it a whole year!! Time to celebrate :)

My cousin's adorable little girl, Elle!

with his Honey and Granddaddy!

Merritt, Elle, and Rex!

Ma and Pa's Great Grands! 

Honey and Granddaddy's Grands!

Time for Presents!

This sums up his mood! He was SOOO tired..Mr. no morning nap was not having it!
Sweet Halle and Britt!!

He loved it!!

Then fell asleep!

Pony rides!

What a Haul!! Thanks everybody for making his day so great!!


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