My sweet little cowboys all ready for Church! :)
Daddys Home!!!
Saturday, August 30, 2014
The Farmer surprised us all with prizes!! I can't believe he went shopping for us, and I didn't even ask him to bring us back something fun! He got the boys Farm Boy Brand shirts... check them out, they have the cutest things! Merritt has one of their hats and he LOVES it! He got me the three western iron pieces. They are light pulls. He brought me back some of these when I was pregnant with Merritt and we put them in his nursery. When we moved, I was bummed I didn't have any for McCoy's room, and never even asked The Farmer to try to find them...but he remembered! What a thoughtful surprise! Love you Farmer!! :)
Little Oinker! This is soo appropriate for him, in the hospital all the nurses called him Little Piggy! |
Merritt was not as thrilled with his shirt, he was not happy that he had to get out of his bubble bath!! |
Baby Callen!
Friday, August 29, 2014
Yesterday we went to see brand new baby Callen! My friend, Tracey, had him on Tuesday and he was just a doll!! Soo precious! I couldn't believe my baby was that small just three short months ago! Tracey and I met while I was working for the Montana Beef Council and she was working for the National Beef Checkoff (she was stationed in Colorado but traveled all over the U.S.) She moved to South Dakota around the same time I moved to we are only a few hours away from each other and get to meet up in Sioux Falls quite a bit! Of course, now we will be meeting up even more since our little boys are sure to be best buds! :)
adorable! |
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Me, with the new Mommy! |
McCoy and Callen, first playdate! |
Frogs are our Friends!
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Merritt and McCoy were playing outside tonight while I had a photshoot, at the end of the shoot we spotted a huge toad, so I showed it to Merritt who had been playing in the cracked corn (hence the corn dust all over him!) He was so excited and ran over...then the terror set in when he saw it in the Farmer's hand!!
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He was literally terrified and screamed at the top of his be fair, I probably screamed too! It was kinda gross! |
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did I hold and comfort my scared baby? Of course not, I took pictures and told the Farmer to bring it closer! ha! I don't want him to be a scaredy cat after all :) |
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"Maybe I'll take a closer look" |
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He loves to read "The Little Blue Truck," since there is a toad in the story, we thought he would like it if he just got used to it... |
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"Nope, still gross!! Gotta run!" |
Color Class
Somebody please tell me why this child refuses to learn his colors?!?! I have been trying everything! We've recently been watching the Color Crew on BabyfirstTV with Amazon Instant video (here is an episode online!/play/936ece79e6534d96af3029c3434cfc1a/70bd10f9633648ff953a80d2b2dd048f) and it seems to to be helping a little, he LOVES to watch it and asks for it all the time, but continues to say "it's mine" or "it's Merritt's" if you ask him what color something is, like his shirt or one of his toys! Super annoying!! :)
We have been using his flash cards every morning, but he doesn't really respond to that, so today I decided to make it a little more worth his while! Candy! I used M&Ms and he had to put each color M&M on the corresponding color flash card. He did this perfectly, and even named a few of the colors right too!! I think we are finally getting somewhere!! Side note: I thought there were blue M&M's?!?! Maybe my bag just didn't have any! I will have to get some Skittles for more variation! :)
his favorite part! Eating them :) |
This and That!
Mr. Blue Eyes on his 3 month birthday :)
I have been working on tons of projects for Christmas downstairs where my embroidery/sewing machines the boys have been joining me. I pulled out the exersaucer the other day, and McCoy loved did Merritt! ha!
I got their fall shirts and quite a few other projects done!
Now I have to start working on a few things for McCoy's baptism luncheon next Sunday. I am using the same colors as I did for Merritt's ( so I don't really have much to do!
My fam is coming up for the baptism, then the boys and I are going back home with them! I am super excited! I will get to see my 10th grade nephew, Cade, play high school football (starting center!), meet one of my bestie's, Amy, baby girl (born just a few weeks before Coy), and meet another bestie's, Britt, baby girl (due the 22nd!), and spend lots of time with my fam! Oh and I'm dying to see the new Dolphin Tale movie with my sweet niece, she has me hooked!! We are hopefully going to SeaWorld in San Antonio, but haven't finalized all the plans yet! And of course, Merritt is super pumped to ride a pony at Whoop's horse sale! Daddy is going to bring us back home after I meet Britt's baby...and you know that always involves a fun road trip!! Which means I have lots of packing and planning to do!! Stay tuned!! :)
Playset Paradise!
Sunday, August 24, 2014
We got this amazing playset last weekend and The Farmer has been putting it together all week. He got it all finished today and we revealed it to the boys. Merritt pretty much freaked out! He is in LOVE! McCoy really enjoys his swing, so much so he fell asleep in it!! It's so fun and I know we are going to enjoy it for many years!!
Mums the Word!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
When we were at the Walmart yesterday, Merritt helped me pick out this little mum. They don't have the big ones out yet, but I thought we could go ahead and get started on our fall decor with this one! I had to hold it the entire time we were in the store, because he didn't want me to put it in the buggy with him for fear of bugs being on it! ha! We decided to plant it tonight and he was no longer worried about the bugs?!? It turned out super cute in my boot planter :)
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